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"No charge"

서병길 2014. 4. 11. 12:06

아이가 저녁을 준비하고 있는 엄마에게 조목조목 적은 종이쪽지를

엄마에게 내밀면서 시작하는 노래, No Charge ~♫ 


A young boy hands his mother an itemized list of charges he says he's

owed for performing various chores and comes to collect; the singer performs

this in spoken word. The mother responds (singing) by reminding her son about

all the things she's done for him, that she never asked him to pay for services

rendered and that, all things considered, "the cost of real love is no charge."

"No charge" (엄마의 사랑은 "무료"란다)


My little boy came up to me in the Kitchen this evening

저녁을 준비하고 있는데

While I was making dinner

 아이가 부엌에 와서

And he handed me a piece of paper he'd been writing on

내게 뭐라고  종이  조각을 주었다.

And after wiping my hands on my apron, I read it

손을 앞치마에 닦고  종이를 받아 읽었다.


And this is what it said

거기엔 이렇게 씌여 있었다.

for mowing the lawn 5dollars $5

잔디 깎은 댓가로 5 달러

for making my own bed this week 1 dollars $1

이번주  침대 정리 1 달라

for going to the store 50 cents

가게 심부름 50센트

Playing with the little brother while

You went to the store 25cent

엄마 가게  동아 동생     25센트

for taking out the rubbish 1dollars

쓰레기 버린  1달러

Getting a good report card 5dollars

좋은 성적표 받아   5달러

And for raking the yard 2dollars

마당   2달러

Total owed $14.75

 청구액 $14.75


Well, I looked at him standing there expectantly

잔뜩 기대하고 있는 아이를 보면서

And a thousand memories flashed through my mind

 마음속에는 만 가지의 생각이 스쳐 지나갔다.

And so I picked up the pen turning the paper over.

This is what I wrote..

그래서   종이의 뒷면에 펜을 들어 쓰기를..


For the nine months I carried you growing inside me.

아홉달 동안  뱃속에서 키운 

"No charge."


for the nights I'v sat up with you

아플 때마다  못자고

doctored you, prayed for you

너를 위해 기도하고 간호해준 

"No charge"


For the time and the tears that you cast through the years..

 년간 너를 위해 시간을 투자하고 눈물을 흘렸던 일들..

There is no charge


When you add it all up

모두  더하면

The cost my love is no charge

네게   사랑의 값은 거저구나

For the worries ahead

 장래를 위한 염려들

No charge


For advice and the knowledge

네게  충고와 가르쳐  지식들

And the cost of your college

No charge

 학교 교육비도 무료

For the toys food and clothes

장난감 음식 옷들

And for wiping your nose

 콧물 닦아준 

There is no charge, son

무료란다  아들아

When you add it all up


The full cost of my love is no charge

나의 모든 사랑의 값은 무료란다


When he finished reading he had great big tears in his eyes

아이가  읽더니 아이 눈에는 커다란 눈물이 글썽이고 있었다

And he looked up at me and said

"Mom.. I really do love you"

그리고 나를 올려다 보며 말하기를

엄마.. 정말 사랑해"

그리고 아이가 그 종이위에 쓰기를

 "Paid in full"




No Charge - Melba Montgomery


"No Charge"' is a country music song, written by songwriter Harlan Howard, and made

famous by country singer Melba Montgomery in 1974.


About the song Melba Montgomery had already recorded a series of duets hits with country

music artists George Jones, Charlie Louvin, and Gene Pitney during the 1960s (the most

successful of those being "We Must Have Been Out of Our Minds" with Jones). In the early

1970s, she began focusing on a solo career, but did not have notable success.


Eventually, she began recording for Elektra Records, where her struggles continued. Then,

Howard forwarded a song to Montgomery he thought would be perfect for her: "No Charge."

She recorded "No Charge" in early 1974, and it was released that April. By the end of May,

Montgomery enjoyed her first taste of solo success, reaching No. 1 on the Billboard's Hot

Country Singles chart. The song also reached No. 39 on the Billboard Hot 100.


A young boy hands his mother an itemized list of charges he says he's owed for performing

various chores and comes to collect; the singer performs this in spoken word. The mother

responds (singing) by reminding her son about all the things she's done for him, that she

never asked him to pay for services rendered and that, all things considered, "the cost of

real love is no charge."


* 엄마의 사랑 잔소리 동영상 1건 추가